RIBA South West 2014 – 2016

I am delighted to have been elected as the South West Regional Chair of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) September 2014 – September 2016, taking over from Tim Hancock, to whom I offer thanks on behalf of all the RIBA South West Regional members.

The south west is an extremely large, varied, vibrant and creative region and we, as Architects and RIBA members, are extremely lucky in the south west to have a very proactive and supportive RIBA regional office and staff, who work tirelessly to support member’s activities and promote our profession at all levels.

There are already a huge amount of regular varied activities that take place across the region, such as the annual RIBA Cornwall Branch Sandcastle Competition, the annual RIBA Plymouth Branch Photography and the excellent programme of CPD that regularly takes place courtesy of the RIBA Exeter Branch, and we will of course continue to support these and other ongoing events.

The south west region of the RIBA continues to take the lead nationally on promoting the RIBA and its members at trade show events. In particular the south west region of the RIBA was instrumental in establishing the monthly ‘Ask an Architect’ sessions at the National Self Build and Renovation Centre in Swindon, which continue to be a huge success and grow in popularity, with sessions often being booked up well in advance.

However there is always more that we can do to promote our profession; it is after all important that as an organisation the RIBA continues evolving, adapting to the changing world and recognising the diverse range of professionals and practices that make up of our profession.  Therefore over the coming two years the RIBA South West Regional Council; made up from the RIBA branch Chairs, the RIBA Councillors and me, intend to focus on the following areas:

Architectural Education

We are very lucky in the RIBA south west region to have Plymouth University and the Plymouth School of Architecture, who have been hugely supportive of the Plymouth Branch of the RIBA over the last few years. A particular highlight is the free to attend CPD (Cross Professional Dialogue) which was set up last year by Bob Brown (associate head of the school of architecture) in conjunction with the Plymouth branch of the CIOB supported by Ibstock Brick. I am delighted to report, that as a result of the excellent feedback for these events, another series is planned for the coming year. Further details will be made available shortly, as soon as the final arrangements are confirmed. These events offer an excellent opportunity for cross professional networking and knowledge sharing among practitioners as well as an opportunity for students to benefit from exposure to real life issues that affect our profession.

Over the next two years I am keen to further enhance this relationship between academia and practice. I believe that both schools of architecture, students and practitioners can benefit from working more closely together. An example of a benefit for practitioners is that the schools of architecture represent a fantastic resource in terms of research. Schools of architecture can help us as a profession to empirically demonstrate the value of good architecture and of using an architect, which is something I believe architects have traditionally not been very good at doing. Working with schools of architecture also offers an opportunity to teach and tutor, helping to nurture and shape the next generation of our profession. Schools of architecture can also help practices, which need help, to undertake research projects in regard to specific issues that are directly relevant to and of benefit to the everyday commercial work in practice. In return architectural students gain access to experienced practitioners and real world projects, helping them to ensure that their training is relevant and of commercial value once they qualify.

Free CPD

RIBA members have raised the point that the RIBA should provide its members with a certain amount of free CPD as part of our annual subscription fee, and dependent upon members demand, this is something that I will try to work towards over the next two years across the south west region. The RIBA Plymouth Branch ‘Cross Professional Dialogue‘ events have been a fantastic example of how this can be achieved, by working with other institutions and with the support of private commercial sponsors such as Ibstock Brick. The first step to achieving this is to demonstrate that this is a demand, therefore if you are a RIBA member in the south west and believe that free CPD would be of benefit to you and or your practice please email me at jb@riba.co.


We shouldn’t forget that the Royal Institute of British Architects is a members organisation that depends upon good will and donation of time and expertise of its members. There are a huge amount of activity that takes place across a very large region, thanks to both the volunteer input of RIBA members and the support of RIBA staff. However all too often I meet RIBA members who ask what does the RIBA do for me?”. The answer is simple, “lots”. The trouble is as a member’s organisation, made up largely of volunteers, we are often very bad at communicating and sharing our achievements with each other and the wider world. Therefore I am keen to work with the RIBA Cornwall, RIBA Exeter and RIBA Plymouth branches as well as the regional office to improve cross branch communication and communication with members generally. The introduction of www.architecturesouthwest.co.uk , which aims to increase members online presence to connect with new customers as well as to keep up to date with events, news and CPD throughout the region, may be a fantastic tool in achieving this.

I very much look forward to working with you all over the coming two years to do my bit to help promote the importance of good design in the built environment and the importance and value that Architects provide. I would encourage every architect in the region to remember that the RIBA is an open member’s organisation, we are all the RIBA and therefore I would strongly encourage all members to offer whatever support they are able and engage with their profession. Working together we are able to better represent ourselves and have our voices heard in regard to the issues that matter to us and our profession.

Best Wishes

Jonathan Braddick   

RIBA South West Regional Chair


Jonathan Braddick RIBA South West Regional Chairman

Jonathan Braddick is the Chairman of the south west region of the Royal Institute of British Architect (RIBA) September 2014 -Spetember 2016

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